What is Dipping? Uses, Features, and Differences from Spray Coating

Are you considering dipping as a surface coating method? Dipping involves immersing objects into a coating liquid to achieve an even surface layer. Compared to spray coating, dipping handles complex shapes and larger products more effectively. However, it has some drawbacks, such as the risk of air pockets and the need for a larger amount of coating liquid.

This article covers the basics of dipping, its benefits and drawbacks, applications, materials, and how it differs from spray coating.

What is Dipping?

Dipping is a coating method in which objects are immersed into a coating liquid to apply a layer evenly across the surface.

1. Features of Dipping

The features of dipping are as follows:

  • Suitability for complex product shapes
  • Even application of coating liquid
  • Shorter processing time compared to spray coating

2. Benefits of Dipping

Dipping offers following benefits:

  • Even application of coating liquid
    Compared to spray application, the coating liquid is applied more evenly, resulting in a more uniform coating.
  • Suitability for complex product shapes
    Unlike spray coating, dipping effectively and evenly coats complex shapes by fully immersing the object.
  • Shorter Processing Time
    While spray coating takes time to cover the entire surface, dipping simply immerses the product, reducing processing time.
  • Efficient Coating Liquid Usage
    While spraying wastes coating liquid because it is hard to cover the entire product evenly, dipping uses all the coating liquid by fully immersing the product.

3. Drawbacks of Dipping

Dipping has the following drawbacks:

  • Risk of Air Pockets
    Air pockets may form during submersion of products, leaving uncoated areas.
  • Need for more coating liquid
    Since the whole product needs to be submerged, this method requires more coating liquid than spraying.

Applications and Materials Being Dipped

Dipping is widely used in various fields.

1. Application

Dipping is used for the following applications:

  • Office equipment
  • Automotive parts
  • Electronics
  • Medical devices
  • Construction materials

2. Materials Being Dipped

Dipping is used for the following materials:

  • Metals
  • Plastics
  • Ceramics
  • Glass
  • Polycarbonate

3. Differences between Dipping and Spray Coating

Dipping and spray coating are both surface coating methods for products, but there are some key differences as follows:

  • Application Method
    Dipping applies the coating by immersing the product in the coating liquid. In contrast,spraying applies the coating by spraying the coating liquid onto the product.
  • Processing Time
    Dipping is faster compared to spray coating.
  • Cost
    Dipping is more cost-effective than spray coating.

4. Selection Criteria

Choose between dipping and spray coating based on:

  • Product shape and material
  • Cost
  • Processing time


Dipping offers advantages like even coating, suitability for complex shapes, and shorter processing times. However, it has drawbacks such as air pockets and requiring large amounts of coating liquid. When considering dipping, weigh these benefits and drawbacks along with factors like shape, material, cost, and processing time.

Our company leads in dipping technology, providing high-performance, CE-marked dip coaters. Our unique designs include machines built for surface alignment accuracy and chemical resistance. We also offer customization to meet diverse customer needs. Contact us for solutions tailored to your requirements.